Download Between Anarchy and Society Trusteeship and the Obligations of Power
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Book Details :
Published on: 2003-08-14
Released on: 2003-08-14
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The international administration of troubled states - whether in Bosnia, Kosovo, or East Timor - has seen a return to the principle of trusteeship; that is when some form of international supervision is required in a particular territory in order both to maintain order and to foster the norms and practices of fair self-government. This innovative study rescues the normative discourse of trusteeship from the obscurity into which it has fallen since decolonization. Ittraces the development of trusteeship from its emergence out of debates concerning the misrule of the East India Company; its internationalization in imperial Africa; its institutionalization in the League of Nations mandates system, and, then, in the United Nations trusteeship system; and thedestruction of its legitimacy by the ideas of self-determination and human equality.No other book brings this rich historical experience to bear on the dilemmas posed by the resurrection of trusteeship after the end of the Cold War. It is with a view to contemporary world problems that this book explores the obligations that attach to preponderant power and the limits that should be observed in exercising that power for the sake of global good. The book concludes by arguing that trusteeship remains fundamentally at odds with the ideas of human dignity andequality. The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency The United States and its partners continue to face a growing number of global threats and challenges. The CIAs mission includes collecting and analyzing ... Unsustainable Liberalism by Patrick J. Deneen Articles ... Unsustainable Liberalism is one of three addresses given to a symposium on After Liberalism put on in late February with the support of the Simon/Hertog ... Origins - articles which explain how and why the ... 2008 2007 '06 '05 '04 '03 '02 2001 2000 1999 '98 '97 '96 '95 '94 '93 '92 '91 Bilderberg Conferences Origins of the Bilderberg meetings Glossary - United States American History The role of Glossary in the history of the United States of America. Debating a Post-Westphalian International Order ... Mainstream VOL LIII No 15 April 4 2015. Debating a Post-Westphalian International Order. Sunday 5 April 2015 Pacifism - Wikipedia Pacifism may be based on moral principles (a deontological view) or pragmatism (a consequentialist view). Principled pacifism holds that at some point along the ... International Relations Notes - Garret Wilson October 5 1998. Suggested Questions for Essay 1. Answer one of the following: 1. Is the balance of power the only reliable basis for order in international relations? Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic ... THE PORT HURON STATEMENT OF THE STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introductory Note: This document represents the results of several months of ... John of Salisbury Policraticus Books 4 5 6 political science classics. issued under the general editorship op lindsay rogers of the faculty of political science columbia university. the statesman's book of ... John Locke facts information pictures ... Without in any sense denying the importance and validity of a familial organization of society Locke demonstrated that the power over children and dependents vested ...
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